Computer-controlled cutting
For this assignment i wanted to make a finished product with the laser machine.
I wanted to do something that could make the people happy in the city, something that could create a little bit of happiness in the middle of the stress of a big city, and in the middle of the diary routine.
Some people find this space of happiness in their pet. But not all the people can have a pet, because is difficult to think about the space, food, etc.
With this project I can bring all the people the opportunity to have a bird, without cage and without responsibility about the pet. This bird will also contribute to the ecosystem of the city.
In another cities, the people put houses for the birds in the winter in order to contribute to their survival in the cold winter.
But here the people could put a birdhouse only for having their own pet and also to have more natural life in the city.
The project started with an observation of the birds of my city i found different beautiful birds, i take some information about their nests the size of each one and i decided to create houses for them.
This are the main birds for this project, are particularly beautiful, and produce a nice sound.
To start the construction of this house i think that it should be easy to assemble, so i discard the press fit union. But it need a good structure, even to put one beside the other.
I was trying to find a conexion without press fit.
Finally I found the solution, is a bird house in two different sizes for diffent kinds of birds. The press fit union works only when the whole house is assembled.
Some FILES for making a better mold for bow are on the next LINK click on the "COMPUTER CONTROLLED CUTTING" file
This are some of our laser cutter products that you can find on the link, this are made by LIMA MAKERS